Dix - it.

Dix - it.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Tilllate prezinta podcast-ul exclusiv Gojira

Ursul zice ca ar trebui sa fi stiut (chiar de ieri) ca Tilllate Romania si a tras hainuta de Mos Nicolae cu o clasica opera fotografica pe post de background pentru a sarbatori lansarea primului podcast exclusiv Tilllate, semnat de inconfundabilul Gojira...

Ursul nu vrea sa faca exces de vorbe, va lasa sa va dati cu parerea singuri. Daca o faceti totusi, macar sa fie pe facebook sau twitter (tilllateRO) saaau pe pagina de facebook a lui Gojira (Gojira.Official). Sau aici.

Bear hugz!


Gojira - Worst of... vol 2 (Tilllate Exclusive) by tilllate.com Romania

Sunday 28 November 2010

Fair and honest beauty of a deep fairy trip

It sometimes doesn't get any better than waking up to the insights of your soulmate on a Sunday, displayed to your face in case you forgot about them. The pure and in-the-flesh testimonial of something that you miss because you also have it inside you, but it's not yours, but you love it and you loved growing with it ever since you (want to) remember.
Therefore I am grateful for this moment that you can surf into above.

Credits: Smaranda Murarus igoliquid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhPMcHcz4ic

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Could it be?

Did YOU ever feel like a particular day could be the best of your life so far? 
Isn't it scary, if yes?

Monday 15 November 2010

Beardyman la Fabrica

Fotografii de pe scena de la party-ul Ghost Town Events cu Beardyman, Jungle Drummer si Jfb - atat de reusit, incat a fost deosebit de aglomerat!!! 

Full Facebook Album: here

Friday 5 November 2010

A Little Gipsy Jazz

Dana Alexandra Berghes proudly presenting one of the few Gipsy Jazz Events - a sneak preview with Cristi Constantinescu, Victor Podeanu and Bogdan Raducanu.

Built-in Cuddle Spirit

A Cat's Life